05 January 2010

spanish country leather boots? or northern leather spanish girls, from boots?

okay. i have NOT done my job.

BUT: tonight, i am home, mixing songs to listen to, & i get this idea -- this "yen" [lookit up]-- to play bob dylan songs next to led zeppelin songs. now, i'm no huge led zep fan, though i'm "cool" enough to call them "led zep," but i am [obviously] a bob fan [so cool as to just call him "bob" but then again, YOU know who i'm talking about], & i realized that the led zep version of "in my time of dyin'" owes just a little bit to mr dylan. . . at least i think so. dunno for sure, BUT i hear "in my time of dyin'" on disc one of "physical graffiti" -- a song i know, & have heard, the led zep version -- & i realize that bob did it on his first album. [side note: bob ALSO did "house of the rising sun" on the same record, & he did an arrangement (or version) that he basically stole from dave van ronk, (who you should all check out)a friend of his, but bob didn't tell dave about the fact that bob used dave's version until they were in the car one day, & bob realized dave might HEAR bob's version -- oops, not friends for a while] so: bob did "in my time of dyin'" & so *I* am thinking about bob & led zeppelin. . . & then i'm thinking about bob, & songs that he "borrowed". . . & i start thinking about songs by bob that might just fit in with songs by led zep. . . & i start thinking.

like i am supposed to do, with this "blog". . . anyway. i start looking to see if there are OTHER songs that the ol' zep has covered that bob also covered -- i think maybe there's a zep cover of a bob song, but i can't/don't try to find one. . . i just decide to "make a playlist". . . i use media monkey to do all this music management, so i'm in my element. . . & i realize that i can run the two versions of 'in my time of dyin,' bob (of course) last, & then? what?. . . so i figure "nobody's fault but mine," one of my fave zep pieces -- i love the idea -- & i think maybe "stuck inside of moblile with the memphis blues again" would well follow "nobody's fault but mine" . . . the wheat? i put "over the hills & far away" on there. . . followed by one of my faves of bob's. . . one of my ALL TIME faves. . . "boots of spanish leather."

now: i LOVE "boots of spanish leather." just like i LOVE "girl from the north country" . . . ya'll see where this is going? have you EVER listened to the two songs back to back? i HIGHLY recommend it. . . highly. seriously: listen to the "girl from the north country" that's on "the freewheelin' bob dylan" & then listen to "boots of spanish leather" & tell me that you dont think they are almost exactly the same song. . . well sure, there are DIFFERENCES. . .but not so much. . .

& so? what i don't get. . . is why can i not find reference to these songs being related? my fave book [far as songs go] is oliver tragers "keys to the rain" -- he's freakin amazing -- doesn't even mention it. . . in the two entries on those songs, NEITHER ONE mentions the OTHER one. . . not at all.

but it's soooooooo obvious. . . so obvious. just listen to them. that's all you have to do. & you know what? at 5 am, with a toothache, it's hard for me to keep track of which song is which. . . "for she once was/ a true love of mine" isnt that far away from "oh, how can, how can you ask me again/ it only brings me sorrow./ The same thing I would want today,/ I would want again tomorrow"

& that's all you need to think about today.